The Event - Day 3

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well, we are on Day 3 of "The Event," and I was reminded this morning how easy it is to get caught up in the busyness of life and forget to focus on God. Like many of you I quickly jumped on my task list at work without really focusing on the fact that I am a witness for Christ before His second coming. Thankfully, we had our daily staff prayer time at 9:30 and I was able to pray the prayer I shared with you yesterday.

"God, I know that you are calling people to salvation. If there is anyone that you desire for me to share Christ with today, please know that I am ready. Help me to have the right words to say if you want me to speak; help me to have hands and feet that are ready to serve people in your name; and help me to have a heart that is anticipating your work in the lives of people around me."

As you continue to focus on Christ today we thought it would be a good time to post the Spiritual Focus Scriptures and Questions we sent home on Sunday. 

Spiritual Focus: The Event (Part 1)

Read Luke 1:18-25, then answer the following questions:

1. Was Zechariah’s question, “How can I be sure of this?” more like Mary’s (Luke 1:34) or Sarah’s (Genesis 18:12)?  Why?

2. How did the angel respond to Zechariah’s fear (Luke 1:11-13) and to his lack of faith (Luke 1:19-20)?  What was the difference?

3. We see in Zechariah a disbelief that stemmed from the heart, not from reason. He didn’t stop to think it through and come to a conclusion that the angel’s words were improbable, he simply expressed his gut reaction. He more than doubted, he did not have the faith to accept that the angel’s words could come true.
Zechariah’s story reminds us that it is often our faithlessness, not necessarily our fear, which will act as a barrier to God’s work in us and through us. 

In what area of your life might faithlessness be holding you back from growing spiritually and hindering your witness for Christ? 

What does Galatians 2:20 say about faith in our lives today?


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