The Event - Day 2

Monday, November 15, 2010

Yesterday was an incredible kick-off to our new series called "The Event." I was so excited to get this thing underway that I couldn't to get to the church fast enough--and man did God show up in a big way! We had 7 people who were baptized--which is always and incredible experience--and we had almost 200 of our Christmas stockings picked-up as we launched our first spiritual challenge. If you missed out on yesterday's message you can download the sermon at the church website or subscribe to the podcast on I-tunes.

As I shared yesterday, one of the main things we are challenging everyone to do throughout this 40-day period is to humbly share Christ with anyone that God might bring into your life. As Christians we sometimes forget that the church exists to reach those who don't yet know Christ as their savior. Too often we focus only on our own cares and desires "inside" the church and end up forgetting that we are supposed to be "out there" in the world sharing the love, grace, and forgiveness that come through Jesus.

At Epic we don't want to be a church that forgets! Rather, we want to be a church that is anticipating how God might use our lives to reach someone who is far from Him. 

As we go through the next 40-days I am committing myself to praying the following prayer each day: "God, I know that you are calling people to salvation. If there is anyone that you desire for me to share Christ with today, please know that I am ready. Help me to have the right words to say if you want me to speak; help me to have hands and feet that are ready to serve people in your name; and help me to have a heart that is anticipating your work in the lives of people around me." 

My hope is that you will join me in a similar prayer each day so that we might see God bring many people to salvation.


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