The Event - Day 26

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I've often struggled with wanting to "be somebody." You know, being the one who is recognized by people and who gets the recognition. I've wanted to be the one in the limelight, spot light, and neon light. I've wanted my name to be the one on everyone's tongue as well as on the book cover. I've wanted the power, the prestige, the prowess, and the popularity that come with "being someone." Worse yet, I've wanted all of this in the context of ministry.

I freely confess that all of this is narcissistic, egocentric, and totally self-centered. It is one of the worst parts of my flesh and one of the ugliest sides of my psyche. Worst of all it is totally contrary to the way of Jesus.

We've been talking during "The Event" series about so many of the smaller details and historical circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus, but we haven't yet come to what I believe is the most profound part of the story: the humility of God. While I am constantly thinking about ruling my own world, the actual Ruler of the world gave up all of his power, prestige, and position to become a baby. Not just a baby that nursed from his mother's breast, or spit up, or made a mess in his diaper, but a baby that was born in total obscurity and into total poverty. While I'm craving more, he showed me what it meant to live with less. In all of his glory, Jesus was humble, sincere, and motivated to give his entire life for others. While I am wanting to be served, he came to be a servant and to give his life as a ransom for many.

One of the most profound things God is doing in my life is to teach me this single lesson: It's all about God and His kingdom. To live for the stuff of heaven, I must relinquish the stuff of earth--which includes giving up all of my own desires, dreams, motivations, and self-centerd longings to be anything other than a forgiven child of God.


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