Living Strong in 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I don't know about you, but I'm really excited about 2011 for lots of different reasons. First, I love new things and I love fresh starts. I am by nature a person who likes to start things, dream up new ideas, launch new initiatives, and explore new territories. The shear fact that we have begun a New Year allows my personality to be satisfied in ways that are hard to explain. Second, I'm excited because the days are already getting longer. I know this might sound silly, but I don't like winter, cold, or darkness. I am a person who loves the sunshine, the warmth of an Arizona day, and as much light as possible. It will be months before I'm getting all the sun I like, but the reality that those days are coming really lifts my spirit.

Finally--and this is the real point of today's blog--I am excited about the new spiritual possibilities that are ahead of me and our church. I don't about you, but 2010 was a year that brought many speed bumps my way. Some of those bumps were emotional, some were physical, and some were spiritual. To say that I was a little shaken at some points would be an understatement. As I prepared for the New Year, I was keenly aware of the fact that I would need to be as close to Jesus as I could be if I was going to make it. As I process through some things I remembered the words of Jesus from John chapter 15:"I am the vine; you are the branches...apart from me, you can do nothing." In my heart, I want to live a victorious and powerful Christian life, but in my flesh I sometimes find it hard to do anything good for God. Lucky for me the promise of Jesus is that through HIS SPIRIT I CAN LIVE STRONG FOR HIM! This is the best news for a guy like me who every days seems to screw something up from a spiritual perspective.

I'm looking forward to all that God has ahead. My hope and goal this year is to live more for him and less for myself; to live like a stranger here on the earth; and to share Christ's love with as many as I can.


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