The Event - Day 18

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Well, it's December 1st and we only a few weeks away from celebrating THE EVENT that changed human history. As we continue to focus on Joseph this week, we've got some great thoughts to share from some men in our church. The first comes from Jim Herzberg (Pastor of Adult Discipleship at Epic). Enjoy...

Who was this man named Joseph?  We can read about his faith and that he was the son of Jacob, husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus.  But if fathers are so important in a child’s life (and they are!) why is so little recorded about him in the Bible?  All kinds of questions came up as I thought through this section of Scripture-both about Joseph AND about me. 

How exactly did he react when Mary told him that she was pregnant?  He surely knew the prophecy found in Isaiah 7:14, but what a shock it must have been.  Did the news mean an abrupt end to his hopes and dreams?  The Message paraphrase says in verse 19 that Joseph was “chagrined but noble, determined to take care of things quietly so Mary would not be disgraced.”  Chagrined-I had to look it up-means “a feeling of vexation (irritation/annoyance), marked by disappointment or humiliation.”  Joseph’s actions demonstrated a great faith.  As a father of three daughters and soon to be a grandpa of a granddaughter, what do my everyday actions say about my faith? 

Joseph is described as a “righteous” man, but the Pharisees thought they were righteous too.  Righteous, but in what ways?  We can see the difference when we compare Joseph to the Pharisees in Matthew 9:11 as they asked Jesus’ disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with such scum?” (NLT).  How often do we look down at or even not notice people who aren’t like us? 

Finally, did Joseph ever think that he wouldn’t measure up as the Son of God’s earthly father?  It must have been a bit intimidating when he fully understood the responsibilities he’d been given: to provide for, nurture, protect, and teach the Messiah!  I’m sure Joseph made some mistakes while doing his best to raise Jesus, just like we have and will with our children and grandchildren.  Thankfully God’s grace and mercy will cover us too!    


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