Living Strong in 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I don't know about you, but I'm really excited about 2011 for lots of different reasons. First, I love new things and I love fresh starts. I am by nature a person who likes to start things, dream up new ideas, launch new initiatives, and explore new territories. The shear fact that we have begun a New Year allows my personality to be satisfied in ways that are hard to explain. Second, I'm excited because the days are already getting longer. I know this might sound silly, but I don't like winter, cold, or darkness. I am a person who loves the sunshine, the warmth of an Arizona day, and as much light as possible. It will be months before I'm getting all the sun I like, but the reality that those days are coming really lifts my spirit.

Finally--and this is the real point of today's blog--I am excited about the new spiritual possibilities that are ahead of me and our church. I don't about you, but 2010 was a year that brought many speed bumps my way. Some of those bumps were emotional, some were physical, and some were spiritual. To say that I was a little shaken at some points would be an understatement. As I prepared for the New Year, I was keenly aware of the fact that I would need to be as close to Jesus as I could be if I was going to make it. As I process through some things I remembered the words of Jesus from John chapter 15:"I am the vine; you are the branches...apart from me, you can do nothing." In my heart, I want to live a victorious and powerful Christian life, but in my flesh I sometimes find it hard to do anything good for God. Lucky for me the promise of Jesus is that through HIS SPIRIT I CAN LIVE STRONG FOR HIM! This is the best news for a guy like me who every days seems to screw something up from a spiritual perspective.

I'm looking forward to all that God has ahead. My hope and goal this year is to live more for him and less for myself; to live like a stranger here on the earth; and to share Christ's love with as many as I can.

The Event - Day 26

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I've often struggled with wanting to "be somebody." You know, being the one who is recognized by people and who gets the recognition. I've wanted to be the one in the limelight, spot light, and neon light. I've wanted my name to be the one on everyone's tongue as well as on the book cover. I've wanted the power, the prestige, the prowess, and the popularity that come with "being someone." Worse yet, I've wanted all of this in the context of ministry.

I freely confess that all of this is narcissistic, egocentric, and totally self-centered. It is one of the worst parts of my flesh and one of the ugliest sides of my psyche. Worst of all it is totally contrary to the way of Jesus.

We've been talking during "The Event" series about so many of the smaller details and historical circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus, but we haven't yet come to what I believe is the most profound part of the story: the humility of God. While I am constantly thinking about ruling my own world, the actual Ruler of the world gave up all of his power, prestige, and position to become a baby. Not just a baby that nursed from his mother's breast, or spit up, or made a mess in his diaper, but a baby that was born in total obscurity and into total poverty. While I'm craving more, he showed me what it meant to live with less. In all of his glory, Jesus was humble, sincere, and motivated to give his entire life for others. While I am wanting to be served, he came to be a servant and to give his life as a ransom for many.

One of the most profound things God is doing in my life is to teach me this single lesson: It's all about God and His kingdom. To live for the stuff of heaven, I must relinquish the stuff of earth--which includes giving up all of my own desires, dreams, motivations, and self-centerd longings to be anything other than a forgiven child of God.

The Event - Day 25

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holy Christmas Batman, 

I've been totally overwhelmed. Work, family, life, holidays = crazy. Just like I knew would happen, the holiday season and the busyness of life has kicked into high gear and thrown off my groove. I must work hard at focusing on Jesus and the reason he entered our world 2000 years ago. 

If you happen to be feeling like me, check out the Spiritual Focus stuff that Pastor Jim wrote for this week...

Spiritual Focus: “Oh little town of Bethlehem…”
The town of Bethlehem is obviously important as the birthplace of Jesus, but the history of that small village before “The Event” is significant in God’s Story and our stories.  Pray and then study God’s Word listed below:  

1.    Read Luke 2:1-7 again.  What is the one thing you learned from rereading the Scriptures or from the Sunday sermon that you didn’t know before? 

2.    Read Genesis 35:16-29. 
a.    What is the old name for Bethlehem (see v. 19)?
b.    Do a Google internet search about Bethlehem.  What is it like today?
c.     Why is Rachel so important to both Christians and Jewish people?
d.    From verses 23-27, draw Jacob’s family tree.

3.    Read the Book of Ruth. 
a.    In your Bible maps or online, find the location of Moab.
b.    What was the relationship between Judahites and Moabites?
c.     Why was Ruth’s marriage to Boaz so important (4:17-22)?

4.    Read 1 Samuel 17:12.
a.    Who was Jesse’s youngest son and why is he important in the lineage of Jesus?

5.    Read Micah 5:2.
a.    What is the prophecy about Bethlehem Ephrathah?

The Event - Day 22

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Man, what an awesome day at church today! I am so proud to be part of a community of faith like Epic. As I sit in my office right now I am watching a wonderful couple from our church sort hundreds of Christmas stockings that you all have so generously decorated and filled. I know that this Christmas is going to very special for some kids because of all you have done.

As we head into this week I've got one more post for you on the life of Joseph. This one comes from Roy Comstock of Christian Mentors Network. Many of you know Roy from his mentoring/discipleship books called "Mentoring His Way, Disciple 12" that we use here at Epic. Roy is a great friend of Epic and is a devoted follower of Jesus. His post is really great, so read on...

Jesus is the Reason for the Season
Matthew 1:18-25

When I was about to finish high school, fifty-two years ago, I was invited to a youth retreat near San Diego, California. One of the verses I heard frequently was John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believed in Him would not perish but have eternal live.” I was told if I believed in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection and ask Him to come into my heart that I would go to heaven. So by faith I accepted Jesus into my heart. But I remember asking myself, “How did Jesus become God’s only begotten Son?”

It wasn’t until some time later when I was studying Matthew 1:18-25, that I discovered the answer. “This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit.” The angel said to Joseph, “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord’s message through His prophet: Look. The virgin will conceive a child. She will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel, which means God with us.” In verse 23, Matthew is quoting Isaiah 7:14. Jesus was God in the flesh; thus God was literally among us, “with us.”  

I discovered the importance of the virgin birth when I learned that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, had to be free from the sinful nature passed on to all other human beings by Adam. Because Jesus was born of a woman, He was a human being; but as the Son of God, Jesus was born without any trace of human sin. Jesus is both fully human and fully divine. In John 1:1 it says, “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Then in verse 14 it goes on to say, “So the Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” This Scripture reveals an important truth about Jesus—He is both God and human. The infinite, unlimited God took on the limitations of humanity so He could live and die for the salvation of all who would believe on Him.

“Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could He die, and only by dying could He break the power of the devil, who had the power of death.” (Hebrews 2: 14) I learned that God made Christ who never sinned, to be the offering for my sin so that I could be made right with God through Christ.” (II Corinthians 5:21) Because of His virgin birth and His ultimate sacrifice on the cross, Jesus Christ is my only true reason for the Christmas season.

The Event - Day 19

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's day 19 of The Event and today's post is a going to be a little different. As a pastor I read some blogs of other pastors that I really respect. Doing this challenges me, inspires me, and helps me to be a better leader. Today I want to share one of those blog posts with you from a guy named Perry Noble who is a pastor on the east coast at New Spring Church. He is a "say it like it is" kind of guy and today's post says something that I agree really needs to be said. So, hit this link to Football, Attitude and Idolatry and see what you think.

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